
About Us

My name is Sommer King. That is my hunky man, Chris. We bought our first {little} place in 2009. There was nothing horrifically wrong with the place. It was built in 2006. It had only been lived in by one other family before us, granite counters, nice carpet, travertine tile, underlaid sinks.... It was fine. But do you have to have a "fixer-upper" to really make your place awesome? We thought not. So here we are, slowly turning our 850 square foot {average} condo into something extraordinary.

I have a BS in Construction Management, along with an AS in Architecture, so it was not hard for Chris to guess my passions. However, I'm not sure he 100% knew what he was getting himself into! Since I have graduated, I have been working full time. I've worked in construction management, and currently work in architecture. Chris is a full time student. So we have to fit in our projects between all that; which usually means during projects our home will be in a state of dishevelment for {sometimes} weeks! Good thing he's a great sport.

{As most couples can relate to} We are just starting our lives together and thus we are far from being "loaded". We've passed the days when we would run out of money sometimes and had to wait for the next paycheck to get groceries, rented a lady's {not entirely private} basement, or art modeled for extra money {worst job EVER! But let's just be clear- I was not naked}. Luckily we never had to sell plasma to make it by {whew}. Now that I have a full time {bomb-diggity} job, and Chris has a better job than working fast food {yay!} we have been able to put a little towards home improvement. But let's not kid ourselves, we are no multi-millionairs. We are DIYing as close to free as we can! And really it hasn't been too bad. Just takes patience, creativity, and dedication scouring Craigslist {daily!}.

This is our first place, and we definitely don't know what we are doing most of the time. But it is all in the learning. We take it one {or two} projects at a time and we've made our share of "doh!" moments, but we are having a blast fanci-fying our home together.