
Friday, February 11, 2011

I got a little Trunky....

So on my way home from work yesterday {after a long, hard, big decision not made} week, Chris calls me from work and mentions how he didn't pack a dinner. So I dropped by the store, got him a little microwave pizza and took the 45 minute detour from my drive home. {Lets talk about how my drive is already an hour fifteen}. I surprised him with his dinner, and unenthusiastically walked back out to my car. It was a hard week {I work 10 -13 hour days 4 days a week, so Thursday night = the start of my weekend}. I was emotionally pooped. Then I saw ROSS. I figured I'd treat myself to a little window shopping. I should know myself well enough that I shouldn't try to window shop in that condition. I couldn't help myself. I've always loved trunks.... So I splurged. I got 2 trunks and a faux book for $40. Wayyyy more than I would ever usually spend, but I sure was pumped to get home and see if all my books would fit {complete attitude turn-around, I'm going to turn into a trunk junkie!}. But take a look, I'm in love.

{The oil lamps will have to find a new home} The larger trunk hold all of the larger books perfectly, the smaller trunk holds all the smaller books with a little room left over, the basket holds my husbands collection of Star Wars books {I don't make fun of him}, and the faux book holds our printer & photo paper perfectly. Now I just need something to fill that gap... I might have spied something perfect while I was window shopping {controllably} earlier this week.... and I might just let my uncontrollable side loose for one more buy....


  1. Wow, Sommer, I LOVE the trunks idea! There are a lot of reasons I love having you as a daughter, and liking trunks is just another one! Dad has been giving me a hard time about my trunks for 30 years, so it's nice to have a partner in crime! The shelf/storage idea is a great use of space and ads a little sense of style to an otherwise boring alcove. Love it!!

  2. ... oh, and I guess I owe you an apology for Christopher's "Star Wars" obsession/hobby - it's a joint obsession for which I am partly to blame! When I was teaching middle school in MN, I took my lunch break to get tickets for the midnight premiere of Episode 1 so we could go see it together! ...and there are more of his Star Wars books in storage too...! My sincere apologies and hopes for your conversion to a classic series!

  3. Yeah, there's no way you can pass up 'fun'... great finds!

  4. Those moods are the best moods--you find the exact stuff you NEED! ;) Those trunks are pretty awesome. And functional, so totally worth it! ;)

  5. what a great find!!! love that you put books in them... please come link this to our party over here:

    Have a great weekend!
