
Monday, May 2, 2011

Can I hear it one more time?

"I LOVE this kitchen". Yes I do. Would Chris survive if I turned our kitchen into my own mini version? I submit that he would not. But I loved that yellow flower pattern too much to let it sit idle in  my "I wish  I did that" box. So I decided to bring a little bit of it in.
Solution? I found way too good a price on {maybe} a way too huge canvas.

First I painted my canvas with yellow ochre. I didn't take any pictures... because honestly, let's face it. It's not all that exciting. I just watered down some cheap yellow ochre {not craft paint, I like to use "Basic" click here to see}.
To create my stencil I taped a few pieces of paper together, got out my trusty craft table {also known as laminate board}, stuck down a ton of blue tape, and got to drawing. I just eyeballed it {with a picture of it right next to me of course}. 
I exacto'd out all of the little tiny pieces, careful not to damage either the large stencil or the tiny pieces.
I used the large stencil to make sure all my little tape pieces would go in the right spots, and used the little pieces {one at a time} to trace and cut out the petals.... yeah this took a while. Like about 4 or 5 movies worth. I didn't do it all in one day. 
Before I was even done with the painting, I got cracking on the frame. I have a TON of leftover trim from an awesome CL find. The frame is made up of two pieces of trim. Can you believe they look so good together? I'm not a professional frame maker... but a few screws through the corners and attaching the two types of trim together and I've got a pretty solid frame.
Next I painted over all my tape-work with a mixture of cad-yellow and burnt sienna. I wanted to get a little bit of variation in my color. If you want a more solid look, go for yellow ochre. Peal off the tape and look what you've got! I might be adding in a little somethin' somethin' later. But for now here is my tribute to that beautiful yellow wallpaper.
You can ask Chris if he likes it. I know he'd at least prefer this over a perma-flowered kitchen! If you are wondering what is hanging from my dining chandelier... I'll solve the mystery for you now. It's my "Chuparosa"! It's a humming bird made in Huatulco, Mexico. If that doesn't earn me cool points, I think I'm doomed.

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