
Friday, January 14, 2011

A Man's Home Improvement {Internet Woe's No More}

Remember my Internet Cable Woes? While I'm dreaming of colors & molding, Chris dreams of projector screens, attic ladders, and internet that actually runs to more than 1 spot in our house.

So a couple weeks ago {while Chris was at work} I fished wire all by myself - a feat I'm rather proud of. Today, Chris finished up the "trimming out" portion. And now, we successfully have internet throughout our house.

Step 1. Prepare Yourself to go Fishing!
Insulation and I do not get along. If I go up into the attic without a mask I will be coughing {more like hacking, but that didn't sound very pleasant} for the rest of the day. Learned here, when we wired our can lights. So I prepared myself with all my tools {including a flashlight & dowels} and climbed up into the attic using a dish towel a face mask.
Step 2. Find Your Wall
Can you see it? Well it is over there. You have to dig a little {I found it in the second picture}
Step 3. Drill Through Top Plates & Set the Bait!
Not going to lie, I chose where I was going to drill mainly based on the most comfortable spot I could find in the attic. I didn't even check to see if I might be drilling down through the top of a stud, I just went with my chances that most likely I wouldn't be.
I used wooden dowels to push my wire straight down. How is one person supposed to do it {without electricians tools}? I have no idea. Anyone have any neat tricks? My {taped together} dowels worked pretty slick.

Step 4. Go Fishing!
I had a little over 20" from the exterior wall where my wire "should have been". I was so nervous when I cut the wall.... please be there, please be there.... it wasn't. But a wire-hanger turned fishing tool produced the wooden dowel very quickly. I found the wire taped to the dowel right where I had put it. Victory equals mine!
Step 5. Trim Out
This is the easy part. Put in your retrofit boxes {follow directions on the box}, but make sure to measure where to put your box based on the rest of the outlets in your house. {And don't forget to make it plumb, silly husband!}.Use your Cat5 Impact tool to install the ends, and put on the faceplates. Internet dominated! 
{side note, who actually owns a "Cat5 Impact tool"? Not very many people. If you can't borrow one like I did - pays off to work construction - get one online, they are expensive at HomeDepot or Lowes}.
Now our hallway will forever be clear of internet cables... of other things-yeah maybe not. But hey, that trim will be installed one day... and our hallway will be day {hopeful smile}

Total Cost: $22
{Cost of X-Box wireless device? About $50. Better connection, and for half the price!}


  1. This is Chris, the husband.... I feel like I need to defend the fact that I was wearing sweats in that picture. So here's my defense: It was early in the morning.

    That's it.

  2. Wow, you are totally awesome for fishing up in the attic! I hate it up and there :)

  3. Very cool, you guys! Having internet will sure make life easier!
