
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What a Pain!

What a Pain is right! More in the wrist than the neck though... And it all could have been saved if only I planned better. I started out on the right track... cheap-o craft crystal knobs foiled me. Literally, the foil came off and happened to be the only thing gluing the crystal to the knob
Bummer right? So I installed the Beachy-Peachy Window without the crystal knobs. And later had to come in and put in blocking {seen here} in order to install my new and improved crystal knobs.
{So can we talk about how they're actually crystal door knobs you can get at Lowes or Home Deopt for $7 a pack. The cheapest crystal knobs to be actually used as cabinet pulls or hooks that I found were at least $15 each for the size I wanted, and they look just like the door knobs! Win for me! I got 4 for the price of one!}
The downside to using crystal door knobs is, apparently they are threaded at an impossible thread to match. No bolt in the world {except the weird square one that came in the pack} would fit. But I needed 4 bolts, not 2. Who would have thought it would have been so hard to find a bolt? I stumped handyman after handyman at different stores with my little crystal knobs. Finally I called my dad to see if he had any ideas {I almost was going to give up on the knobs}. This is when I rediscovered my Dad is the handiest of all handymans in the entire world. "If you can't find a bolt to match the thread then let's just find a bolt you like and re-thread the knob to match". No one out of the 20ish handymans that I talked to at all sorts of stores with bolts said anything about rethreading the knob! My Dad finished rethreading the knobs {with a tap & die set} in under an hour and handed them back to me. All done. I spent weeks trying to find a bolt!
I'd like to say the rest of it was easy... and mostly it was... other than with a 2x12 in the wall already, we didn't have much room to try and squeeze our arms up in there and try to put the nut on the back.
Enjoy the pictures... I enjoyed taking them:
After a LONG time of scratching up our wrists trying to get them on, we were successful. We now have towel hooks under our beachy-peachy window.
I'm loving my decorations up on top {now that I took the time to wipe off the dust!}
I got the apothecary jars at Porters for only $25 for all three of them! 
The birds I got at Tai Pan for $30 for 4 of them.
This glass fishing float my mom bought me on a road trip to Seattle. It was found on the coast of Alaska after a huge winter storm... Awesome right?!


  1. Looks great and as for that float the cutest!

  2. Great idea! Your bathroom has turned out beautifully! I'd love for you to stop by my blog sometime,
