
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the wall - You look so awesome

The magical mirror has been nearly done forever now. I finally took the time today to put the finishing touches on. It has been so long sine we had the ol' plain-jane mirror, I almost forgot how much better it looks now.
Here's the before:
And after: {with a nice reflection of the on-going construction in the bathroom}
I described how I got the frame look before... but just in case you missed it we can take a quick look.
With tons of left-over trim, I found 3 pieces that looked good together. I put the pieces up separately using screws sparingly, and liquid nailing like I'd never be able to liquid nail again.
 Unfortunately while putting up the 3rd type of trim, I got a little too close to my mirror. Blast it all. I cracked that stupid mirror. Luckily I found out that mirrors aren't too expensive if you just get them from a glass shop. I ordered the mirror and picked it up about 2 hours later.
I did the whole thing over again {more carefully this time} and wallah! After some putty, some sanding, and some painting, the mirror looks fantastic. It looks especially great with the 2 roses my sweet husband got me for our 2nd anniversary. Woo! Go us!

Oh, and you might notice the picture that looks like it was taken by a ghost? Our place isn't really haunted. More like: I wasn't exactly dressed decent to be taking pictures of myself. I might get a little over-heated too easily... Anyways, the mirror turned out great.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Coming Along...

We have family coming in town and with our old dresser sold... well our house is rather a mess. Who knew missing one dresser could destroy so much? So I've been frantically trying to finish this one. I've been so excited how the stain is turning out.
Yes. The middle drawers are still missing, currently they are sitting outside letting the stain "cure" before I minwax them. They were a joy to sand since I had to do most of them by hand {sarcastic voice). Tomorrow {hopefully} I get all the drawers in and we can put our lives back together. It'll be a little, I think, before I find what pulls I want to get {since the old ones don't really go now}.

Can we all agree that the awesome rugged-ish wood dresser looks way better than the orange-fantastic dresser? I think so.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


So this dresser...? Well it's making progress... but taking forever! I had at least a centimeter of sand all over my face after getting it down to bare bone. Tonight I'm staining it, and tomorrow {hopefully!} I can clear coat it and put some clothes in it!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Newest Project... dun dun dun... a Dresser!

We just grabbed this sucker for $30 off of CL. I'm pretty excited to get started on it. First I have to decide if I am going to paint or stain... then figure out what to do with the center drawer that is missing a pull. But I'm excited to find a dresser with feet! It is going to look bomb-digity {hopefully}

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Apple Cupcakes

I've loved making cupcakes from What's New Cupcake. This week we tried out a good summer time cupcakes, apples! They turned out pretty cute. A little lumpy... but still way cute.